Unborn 8.0 Yellow Pointer Zoey Kaneakua: Practice Story Reflection

Friday, February 7, 2014

Practice Story Reflection

I think that our team did good for our first practice story. My teammates were Kaylee and Jaycee. Our story was about how Kaylee incorporates teamwork in her life. We were able to finish our practice story even though we encountered many problems. We used all the time we were given and more, to complete this project. Together we were able to film our interview and transcribe it on a Google Drive document. We were also able to film some B Roll and create interesting voiceovers for our video.

Later, we went out and filmed some more B Roll during advisory. There, we filmed us passing a soccer ball and displaying teamwork. Then during class, we worked together to improve our transcript and edit our video. Even though we thought that we had enough footage we still had some blank areas. We worked together to decide what to do and ended up repeating a lot of footage.

In the end, we were able to successfully finish our even though we turned it in a little late. If we could change anything in our video I think that we would level out our audio and film more footage. We were rushing towards the end and didn't have much time to review our video. We also could've used more sequencing and a better shot for our interview.


  1. I like your gifs they're really cool.

  2. your blog is super cute! and the gifs too.

  3. Hi Zoey, I see you like all the time at soccer. I love your blog it is awesome! I also really like the gifs you made.

  4. It's super cool how you used gifs!

  5. You did a very good job on your blog and great GIFs:)

  6. I love your blog! its so pretty! How did you put multiple pictures in one to make a little moving thing? Really cool!
