Unborn 8.0 Yellow Pointer Zoey Kaneakua: Profile Project Progress

Monday, March 10, 2014

Profile Project Progress

In GT we were given the opportunity to create a short documentary on an elder with great words of wisdom for Hiki-No. Our project is about Mr. Nunn and his life before and after he became a teacher. Mr. Nunn has always told us great and amazing stories so we thought that he would be a great person to interview. We interviewed him in his classroom. Filming in his classroom set the mood and theme of the video. Before Mr. Nunn was a teacher, he had many other jobs. He always felt a love for children and he still does toady. Now, Mr. Nunn is an English and AVID teacher at Kapaa Middle School. 

To make our film more interesting we added B-Roll and Voice-Overs. B-Roll is a secondary footage that relates to the topic of the film. We used our B-Roll to cover up mistakes and bring interest to our video. B-Roll helps us clarify what is going on. Voice-Overs are a narration to the story that help . We placed our Voice-Overs under our B-Roll to narrate what is going on. I think that our B-Roll and Voice-Overs really made our story better.

After we finished our video, we evaluated each teams video as a class. Based on our evaluation, we could make our video better by organizing our story and adding more b-roll.

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